City Recycling Do's & Don'ts
Curbside Recycling Schedule
E-Waste Recycling
Building Re-store

Renewable Energy in the News

Looking for a way to reduce your dumpster fee? Recycle! Recycling saves money, energy, water, and landfill space.  It's easy to do with Pocatello's curbside recycling program. You can put all your recyclables in one container - no more sorting.

City of Pocatello Recycling - The City offers curbside co-mingled recycling and several drop-off locations for recyclable items.
Building Materials Re-Store - Take unwanted building materials to Habitat for Humanity's re-store for reuse in a Habitat home.
Recycling at Bannock County Landfill - Learn about can be recycled at the landfill instead of buried.
E-Waste Recycling - The City has contracted with PC Recyclers of Idaho to help citizens dispose of their electronic waste free of charge.
Success Story - Don Aslett's Museum of Clean will be the most energy & water efficient building in Pocatello when completed.
Earth 911 - Pocatello, Idaho - provides all you need to know about reducing your impact, reusing what you've got and recycling your trash.






Conserve Pocatello is a program sponsored by the City of Pocatello
A Municipal Corporation of Idaho © 2010. All Rights Reserved
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